Tuesday, October 28, 2014

When Life Mimics the Movies

TRISH: I’ve been a fan of scary movies all my life. Stasher movies or horror stories based on torture and violence aren’t my favorite; they have no residual effect on me. I can watch one and still sleep like a baby, not a nightmare to be found.  For me, the movies that have a lasting effect, and invade my sleep are storylines that are more intellectually spooky, or plots that mirror something that happened to me in real life.

The new movie Ouija is a perfect example of a movie that’s likely to haunt me long after the credits roll. Back when I was a kid I had a seriously spooky encounter with an Ouija board. My brother had found an old Ouija board in my grandmother’s storage shed when we were visiting over Christmas, and we (my brother and sister and I) decided to give it a whirl. The board was missing the piece you were supposed to rest your fingers on, so we used a crystal that my grandmother had given my sister for Christmas. I don’t remember what questions we ask. What I do remember, vividly, is when the crystal started moving on its own. We didn’t even have our hands on it, and the board was flat on the table, and the crystal just started sliding from letter to letter. It spelled out HEL—before we freaked and fled upstairs. 

Flash forward to the movie the Mothman Prophecies—this movie gave me chills and nightmares for days, partly because it was based on a true story and partly because it tapped into my subconscious fear that there are malevolent supernatural entities in this world that exist to torment us. Again, my reaction to this movie was based on something that had happened a year or so earlier.  I used to work swing shift at this mini-mart. We were the last stop before tourists left town to climb the canyon to Stevens Pass.  During a shift in early December a young family came into the store—a man, a woman and their young daughter. The woman bought a pack of cigarettes and the price came to $6.66. Quite often when the price on their items came to $6.66 the customer would laugh and say they didn’t want the bad luck and they’d throw something else on the counter to bring the price up.

The woman in this case tossed a pack of gum down. But the husband grabbed the gum and put it away, saying he didn’t believe in such silly superstition. He paid the $6.66 and they left the store. About an hour later a bunch of ambulances went screaming up the canyon. In the paper the next day there was an article about the family. Apparently the husband had lost control of their car on a patch of ice and the car spun into the opposite lane where it was stuck by oncoming traffic. The wife and daughter were killed instantly, but the husband escaped without a scratch. It was such an eerie, creepy thing to happen. There he’d been an hour earlier making fun of his wife’s superstition and then in the blink of an eye he’d lost his entire family. It felt like the accident had been some malicious prank designed to teach him a lesson.

Wishing you all a very spooky and fun-filled Halloween!  

DARYNDA: I kind of like all scary monsters and all scary movies. LOL. I love zombies and vampires and werewolves and slasher movies. Pretty much anything works for me. I really was scared of Nightmare on Elm Street. And for a lighter flavor…loved Hocus Pocus.  

Here’s a little teaser from A LOVELY DROP

The female detective watched my every move with purpose. Studying. Assessing. While Murphy watched my every move with something other than the most noble of intentions. There was both hunger and disgust when he leaned in to me, which did not speak well of his marriage. I wasn’t psychic or anything, just a wicked-good observer. I had trust issues.
“Well?” he questioned with a raised brow. “You gonna show us your dog and pony?”
“Back off,” a male voice said from behind me.
We all turned as the man with issues and a duster walked in followed by the older gentleman he’d been conversing with on the lawn, the one who looked like he ate nails for breakfast.
“We’ll take it from here,” he said.
Murphy shrugged, clearly not giving a fuck. “As you wish, Special Agent Strand.” He backed away and swept his arm in a gallant gesture of surrender. Then he smirked again, waiting for the show to begin.
Good luck with that.
The duster, or Special Agent Strand of probably some obscure branch of Homeland Security nobody’d ever heard of, ignored him and turned toward me, stepping so close I had to crane my neck to look up at him. His sculpted mouth, the most revealing of all tells, remained impassive, making him unreadable. He took his time absorbing my features while his gave nothing away. After a long and quite unnerving stare-down, he began.
“September, 2010. Two murders in the girls’ dormitory at Purdue. No suspects.” 
My attention snapped into place so fast, it cracked audibly in my ears.
“August, 2011,” he continued. “Elderly man run down in Chicago with his grandson. No suspects.”
My gaze didn’t stray a hairsbreadth from the cerulean depths of his. The world around us faded away.
“November, 2011. Seven-year-old girl vanishes from an elementary school in Wheaton. No suspects.”
I didn’t blink.
“February, 2012. Woman found beaten and barely alive, dumped outside of a Des Moines emergency room. No suspects.”
I didn’t breathe.
“March, 2013. Teller killed in bank robbery in Grand Rapids. December, 2013. Arsonist sets fire to half of Milwaukee. March, 2014. Con man steals the life’s savings of every single resident at the Sunny Hills Retirement Home in Indianapolis.” He stepped closer, staring down at me until we were practically nose-to-nose. “Those and a dozen others. All with no suspects.”
I stood in shock that someone had put it together so thoroughly. My mind raced for an answer of how. What did I do wrong?
“Shall I continue?” he asked, his voice as smooth as bourbon.
I swallowed audibly but stood my ground.
He offered me a quick nod of acknowledgement, as though accepting my silence as his cue to continue. “All of those crimes had no suspects. Zero. Yet all were solved through a series of tips from either anonymously-delivered phone calls or letters that contained names, addresses, and even drawings of the person or persons the informant IDed as the perps. All letters dropped at the corresponding police stations by a woman who kept her face hidden from cameras. Not a single clear shot of her in the bunch.”
His face softened as his gaze slid to a lock of hair that had stubbornly refused to stay put behind my ear. “But in one, the woman was delivering a letter during a storm and one lock of curly red hair fell out from under her cap.”
My lids drifted shut in disbelief. One lock of my ridiculous hair gave me away. Then again, how much could they get off of one lock of hair? I lifted my lashes and stood in silence, afraid to say anything that might incriminate me.
“No comment?”
After a long moment in which my fight or flight response warred with the logistics of the situation—How far could I get, really?—I forced myself to calm and think about this rationally. I didn’t do anything illegal. What could they charge me with? Aiding and abetting an investigation?
Collaboration. Of course. There were sicko serial killers who collaborated all the time. Terrorists were notorious for having an entire cell of like-minded individuals.
I lifted my chin with a new determination. “I asked for a lawyer three days ago.”
“I asked for a pony when I was seven. Clearly, we’ve both been disappointed. What do you need to make this work?”
~ ~ ~
* 12 SHADES OF MIDNIGHT  * 12 authors *
* 12 unforgettable, never-before-released stories *
The stroke of midnight ushers in many things. From hijinks and mischief to danger and evil, romance is the magic that binds these paranormal novellas together. Join 12 bestselling and award winning authors as they explore the different shades of midnight in exclusive, never-before-released stories.

When an old flame brings a stray golden retriever into Kaylea’s clinic she’s stunned by the dog’s resemblance to Max, her childhood companion. But when the golden recognizes her and knows all the tricks she’d taught Max, a chilling question arises—if this dog really is the beloved family pet she’d buried beneath Spirit Woods’ canopy seventeen years earlier, what else might be making its way home from the grave?

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A woman who claims she can drop back in time to solve crimes meets a special agent who believes her. Now, the one thing she’s been able to manipulate her whole life is the one thing she needs more of, as she races against time with a special agent hell-bent on saving the world. 

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So what about the rest of you? What kind of movies scare the bejesus out of your? Or have you ever had a creepy, real life event that’s stuck around and haunted you?

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